About the Author
Hi! I'm Sam Mundy, a fourteen-year-old missionary kid in Uganda. I have a love for reading, writing, horses, wolves, and steak. Boda Bodas, Books, and Bananas is just a little something I'll be doing when something interesting happens in my life. A chance for you lovely readers to see into the life of a MK in Africa. Really, it can be quite tame. But there's still the fact that it's the Third World, and most towns have dirt roads, bicycle traffic, and the 'supermarkets' are about the size of a convenience store. Home sweet home. Scratch that, I haven't been in Africa for nearly a year. You see, we've now moved back to the US. Specifically, Virginia. So follow me in my adventures mishaps adjusting to life Stateside. New church, new Youth Group, new town, new continent, different culture, different climate, and (coming soon) public school. Yikes!
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